Aotearoa Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism Strategic Framework hui registration
Work is underway on developing a Strategic Framework for preventing and countering violent extremism and radicalisation across Aotearoa New Zealand.
This work is partially in response to Recommendation 4 of the Royal Commission, which states that government should ‘develop and implement a public facing strategy that addresses extremism and preventing, detecting and responding to current and emerging threats of violent extremism and terrorism’.
We’ve been having conversations and kōrero with a range of different groups and people about what the issue and challenge of radicalisation and violent extremism means to them. These conversations have been helping us consider this issue from a range of perspectives and start to build our shared understanding.
Based on these conversations we’ve drafted our approach, and five key outcomes that we think this kaupapa should be structured around. We want to hear from you if we’re getting this right, and also any suggestions you have for further solutions within each of these outcomes. Also if there’s anything else we should be considering.
We are inviting people to attend one of two public hui to discuss areas for action in conversation. Please register using this form, indicating which session you would like to attend.
All personal information collected through the registration will be held securely, and used only for the purposes of confirming hui attendance.
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